Gifted specialist teacher Beth Boro smiles each year HARA comes out to fly rockets for her students because we’ve been doing it for a long time. “I first heard about you guys in the late eighties when I was teaching at another school. You came to show the students your rockets then and you still are now.” Bill Cooke and I were able to continue the trend Friday morning, April 18 by launching at Horizon Elementary for their Spaceweek celebration as most of the school watched and screamed. I had several basic demo A motor powered models on streamers that came down in the school field. Bill’s Cloud Hopper Rabbit rocket suffered damage from the young recovery helper’s enthusiasm. My Flix parachute model got hung in the woods but a parent retrieved it for me. We both had saucers, his Snitch on a C and my Applewhite on a D that the kids loved. Bill flew a camera on his Big Bertha capturing some excellent school yard video. See it at http://fireballs.ndc.nasa.gov/special/Rockets/Big_Bertha_B62_Horizon_Elem_2014Apr18.mov
The kids were ecstatic with the launches echoing every countdown and cheering every flight. They were immensely grateful for the show which for us went smoothly without major glitches. Everybody had fun. We expect a call from Beth again next year.