Monthly Club Launches

About our launches

All impulse classes up to O are permitted.

There is a $5 launch fee for non-HARA flyers – this is for the entire day.

All launches are conducted according to NAR rules by default unless someone expresses interest in flying research motors and gives at least two weeks’ notice.

Flights up to 10,800 feet will be allowed at any of the 2 field locations, as the FAA has set a maximum ceiling of 12,000 feet for the area (we need a 10% margin to insure the ceiling is not exceeded).  We will be scrupulously enforcing this ceiling, and any rockets the RSO/launch director deems to have a significant chance of breaking 12,000 feet will not fly.

As is the norm, the RSO/launch director may disallow a flight or any activity deemed to pose a hazard to those at the launch or that has the potential to damage the field or other property.

Our onsite vendor is Chris’ Rocket Supplies – please stop by his trailer and check out his extensive collection of motors, kits and other rocket stuff! Those wanting special items can reach him though his website –

Important items!

If you see or experience inappropriate behavior, please notify one of the launch officials immediately! Also notify an official if you loose something (rocket, motor casing, nose cone, altimeter, etc., etc.) – we would like to find it as soon as possible. Debris left on the field could damage equipment, which in turn could cost us our launch site.

All flyers making certification attempts and groups of more than 5 flyers must notify the club officers well in advance of the launch so we can have the appropriate people and resources on the field!

All drone or UAV operators (regardless of size) must check in with the LCO upon arriving on the field!

No vehicles – of any sort, including gators and 4 wheelers – will be allowed on the fields. Please park on the sides of the road, taking care to allow for traffic to pass.

Please review the links below for specific information about HARA launches.