Archive for Launches

HARA at 46

About the time you reach middle age you stop counting the birthdays like you used to, maybe because of the math, and begin to round off saying you are “forty-something”. HARA has been around awhile, has done a lot, and is still doing. It’s worth a moment to remember and appreciate that.

January paused its wintery precip and allowed the club to fly on a cold but clear day. The road on the farm was fine for cars but there were slick muddy spots in the field requiring rocketeers to ‘walk without rhythm’ like on Dune to get through the peril. The new launch policy is if the regularly scheduled launch on the second Saturday is scrubbed, the fourth Saturday becomes the next attempt. This month that worked out with a fair number of attendees and over 60 flights for the day including the annual ‘Geezer TARC’ shootout.

Courting Courtland

The Propel Science Foundation (PSF) invited HARA back to the old Courtland airport 12/7 for a day of open sport flying. Having established the old airport as a launch field the director of PSF, Andrew Heath, set up the date as a possibly reoccurring event, which is exciting news for north Alabama rocketeers. HARA brought the range equipment and personnel to support all levels of rockets. The clear calm air allowed high flights with big and small motors. Parking on the runway was great, the large recovery space was great, rockets landing on the concrete -not so much. About 45 models were launched.


HARA at NSL East

A national high power sport launch less than 7 hours drive from Huntsville was enough to attract some HARA members to attend and fly. The NAR had sanctioned an event in the west around Memorial Day and NSL East was held November 23-25 in a SE Georgia cotton field hosted by the Southern Area Rocketry (SoAR) section with 230 registered flyers and many spectators and supporters. The three days had 750 flights total– 368 flights Saturday including a night launch, 275 flights Sunday, and 107 flights Monday.  SoAR often hosts a regional fall launch on this field but this year it went national.

The weather was clear every day and perfect for high flights. Stan put up a bird to 8K’ and got it back, Doug flew his Level 2 certification attempt and Vince burned two H’s, two I’s and a J motor. Many cool rockets of all power levels were on parade on the flight line and on the pads. A beautiful giant scale 12′ tall Saturn V had a majestic liftoff unfortunately without all it’s motors lit. It went up only a few hundred feet and laid over defeated by gravity. Most of the other flights were much better as modelers successfully showed off their craftsmanship and flying skills.

See this excellent news coverage at

Under the Weather

Despite the low ceiling HARA got out to the field for the November launch. Flyers were advised to only bring medium motors to stay under the clouds and they did. There were still plenty of sport flights, ARC practice rounds, student team projects and L1 certs to fill the morning. As rain drops began splattering at 12:30 everyone scrambled to pack up and go, but half a day on the range was better than nothing.

“L” L Rockets

The L is for fifty large rockets that roared aloft at NASA’s Student Launch Program April 13 in the culmination of a year of long work by the student teams. The weather was beautiful with a clear calm sky allowing the easy flight and recovery of big birds on big motors. With the manifest exceeding last year’s number of 48 rockets the range crew of HARA members and NAR dignataries had a long day (from 6am to 5pm.) All flights were made safely and most were very impressive. Results of the competition will be announced in another month.

Everyone Knows It’s Windy

After monthly launch cancellations from rain, cold, and rain again the wind was not going to deter HARA from getting out to the field February 24 on a mild sunny day. The brisk 10-15 mph breeze was challenging but flyable with a lot of fun, successful flights. The crowd was only a fair number attending and the range was done by early afternoon. The biggest motor flown of the day was the ‘L’ from UAH and then all the letters of the alphabet on down with everyone else. The next launch is scheduled for March 9 and may be the last of the season.

Photos by Drew Brackett, Patrick Morrison, Keith Nyman, and Greg Zsidisin.

More photos on the HARA facebook page-

Veteran’s Day Launch

HARA’s November launch was a full day with 74 flights. An overcast sky hung over the range to discourage reaching for high altitudes but many flyers reached for and got their HPR certification. The day was treated by at least a half dozen rocketeers from the Birmingham Rocket Boys section who pilgrimmed up to fly. Families and student teams also enjoyed the mild temps and light winds with their flighs. Besides the big rockets there were scale models, odd rocs, gliders and gadgets. Pictures by Nick Boone, Debra Cook, Vince Huegele and Patrick Morrison. See more pictures at the HARA facebook page and the BRB page.

12 L1 Cert Flights    1 L2 Cert Flight

Class Motor

No. Flown


























HARA Launches for Blue Origin


The employees of Huntsville’s Blue Origin Engine Production facility had a family space day with HARA launching their rockets. It was a prodigious honor to provide the launch services for a local professional rocket company, or rather, their children. Blue Origin made the field arrangements at Research Park, got the motors and kits for their kids to build at home with their parents and then brought them out for HARA to launch on the club’s range equipment. The kits were mostly Wizards and Alphas on “A” motors so a single rack pad handled all the flights. About 60 rockets were launched by the seven club members supporting the event, including some of our own spooky Halloween models because it was late October and that’s when those fly. The warmer than average temps and light wind made the afternoon flying great. Although Jeff Bezos was reportedly in Huntsville that week he did not stay for the HARA launch. From the favorable family response this event may be held again next year. For more pictures go to the HARA facebook page

UAH wins 2023 NASA Student Launch Competition

The local rocket team from UAH outscored dozens of other schools to win the NASA University Student Launch Initiative (USLI.) Multiyear champion Vanderbilt was third. The results were announced a month after the April launch day. To be number one UAH consistently scored well in the sub categories: first in payload design, second in safety, third in vehicle design, altitude and outreach. The UAH team were regular flyers at HARA launches this year testing their rocket and certifying their team members. Congratulations!


Not Our First Rocket Rodeo

The program that started with HARA launching three school rockets in 2001 has continued to a celebration of 48 launches this April 2023. Although 27 flights occurred last year in Huntsville, the rocket fair, normal RSO inspection schedules and group assemblies of NASA’s Student Launch were back for the first time since covid 19. The weather turned out perfect 4/15 for student teams to launch a rocket with the NASA challenge of taking panoramic video on landing mimicking a probe reaching another planet. The ensemble of high school and college teams flew J, K and L motors to altitudes not over a mile above Bragg farm on a range operated by NAR.