Greetings members and friends. First, thank you Ray for your years of service as HARA President. Secondly, thank you David, Bill, Josh, Vince, and Fred for volunteering as officers for 2013. We are already hard at work preparing for the upcoming flying season. I want to share some news with you from the Officers. HARA will be renewing both NAR and TRA charters. The club ratified 4 out of 9 articles of the new proposed Bylaws at Thursday’s meeting with the “Final 5” articles to be voted on in February. The FAA waivers have been submitted. We will expect to have flights up to 14,000’ before noon, and 10,000’ the rest of the day. HARA is buying a new equipment trailer in February. We have outgrown our current trailer. We will have an equipment cleanup and checkout day on March 2nd starting at 10am at Chuck Pierce’s home. Membership dues for 2013 are $20 for individuals, and $30 for families. Additionally, there will be a $5 flyers fee for every launch for non-HARA/MC2 members. These fees will help maintain the quality of our launch equipment, purchase new equipment, and cover other expenses. The membership year will officially begin in March. If you renew your membership or become a member before the end of March, your name will be added to a drawing for one of two $20 gift cards to Huff Performance.
We will have regular club meetings every first Thursday of the month at the NASA ERC building beginning at 7:30pm. The TARC workshop will begin at 6:30pm. Come join us and share your rocket projects. The launch schedule for the Manchester, TN site is below. HARA will host a couple of local low power launches open to the public and we will share the details soon. I think it will be a very exciting year.
Daniel Cavender,
HARA President