Next HARA meeting is April 3rd at 7:30PM in the ERC

Our next meeting will be April 3rd at 7:30PM in the ERC. At the meeting, we will discuss some upcoming club activities. Our tentative agenda is:

  • Equipment Cleanup Day on April 5th at Chuck Pierce’s home beginning at 10AM.
  • HARA will have range operations responsibility for the April 12th launch in Manchester, TN.
  • Updates from the following committees:
    • TARC Scramble
    • SOAR Program
    • Club Rocket Project
    • Southern Thunder Planning
    • Website
  • Tech Talks on rocket design
  • Officer Reports:
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
    • NAR Advisor
    • TRA Prefect
  • Closing

Look forward to seeing you all there.


2014 TARC Regional Launches Many but Scrambles Few

tarc1The HARA March Madness TARC launch was a fantastic success with over a hundred people attending at Bragg farm on a mild calm day. Ten teams from six schools made a total of 43 flights, almost twice the number of launches from last year. The skill of the students in their flights was very impressive. Read more

The Huntsville TARC Regionals

Today was a good day to fly…

At least 9 TARC teams converged on Bragg Farms just north of Huntsville for our annual TARC regional launch.

Read more

88th Anniversary of the First Liquid Rocket Engine

robert goddardDid you know that today 88 years ago Robert H. Goddard launched his first liquid fuel rocket?  March 16, 1926.

Robert Hutchings Goddard was an American professor, physicist, and inventor who is credited with creating and building the world’s first liquid-fueled rocket, which he successfully launched on March 16, 1926.

Goddard’s work as both theorist and engineer anticipated many of the developments that were to make spaceflight possible.[4] He has been called the man who ushered in the Space Age.

Goddard Space Center  is named in recognition of Dr. Robert H. Goddard(1882–1945), the pioneer of modern rocket propulsion in the United States.

HARA is go for launch March 15th at Bragg Farms!

We are go for launch! HARA welcomes TARC teams from around the Tennessee valley and the public to participate in low and mid power rocket flights tomorrow (March 15th) at Bragg Farms. High power rocket flights are restricted at Bragg Farms. We will target a start time of 10am, but we may start earlier or later depending on rage setup and the weather.

The address to Bragg Farms is:1180 Grimwood Rd, Toney, AL 35773

Enter Bragg Farms from Grimwood Rd on a dirt road. The road turns left then right.  You will pass between barns with large harvesting equipment and their may be farming related activities in that area so please be mindful as you enter the area. Carry on down the dirt road into the field. Park off of the dirt road on the grass to the right.

You are welcome to bring coolers with snacks and drinks, and some chairs. There will not be a motor vendor, so be prepared.

Stay tuned to the website and facebook for updates on the launch. See you there!

HARA’s Open House Report

HARA’s Open House Event last Thursday was a wild success.  First of all, thank you to all those who helped put the evening on, especially Fred Kepner Woody Bevill, and Laura Schertz. I spent the days leading up to the event at NASA Wallops and relied heavily on the team back home to take care of the last minute details. After problems with the email server and being bumped from the conference hall to the classroom by the Alabama Fashion Week party, we had some doubts that many people would come. Boy were we wrong. . Read more

HARA Membersip Cards Are In!

HARA membership cards are in. If you’ve paid for your 2014 membership, cards are being made for you now. Come to our next launch on March 15th at Bragg Farms, or our meeting on April 3rd to pick up your cards.

HARA Membersip Cards

NARCON 2014 at the Cape

By Vince Huegele

The thing people did at NARCON that was the most fun was not attending the technical sessions, listening to astronauts, visiting with old rocket friends or even touring the historic launch pads. People got the biggest grin from reading the severe winter weather reports from their hometowns while sitting in the 70 degree Florida sun. Read more

How to Use Weld Nut Plates on Fiberglass Rockets

weldnut photo 6weldnut photo 2I’m always looking for some new way to build a rocket to make assembly in the field easier and this is a cool and very easy way to replace nylon rivets.  The first method I tried to leave rivets behind was to epoxy an ordinary hex nut on the inside of the fiberglass airframe. That would work okay if for not a few reasons. One, I always got epoxy on the threads and that gummed up the threads. Two, it was hard to align the hex nut if I didn’t have the screw fed through the hole to keep the hex nut in place. And three, my elbow isn’t calibrated very well sometimes so I tend to over torque the screws and the hex nut breaks free from the epoxy. I really liked the idea of having stainless steel screws with shear strengths up in the hundreds of pounds range in place of my old expendable nylon rivets that I never had enough of or in the right size when I was in the field. Read more

HARA Newsletter – Feb 2014

Homemade CNC Mills, Google Glass, & Octo-rockets

Wondering what these things have in common? Then you probably missed Thursday night’s HARA meeting.  First off, attendance was fantastic with nearly 30 people showing up. Thank you to all of our guest.  We hope that you felt at home. HARA puts a lot of effort into providing engaging and informative meeting presenters to help you develop your skill and knowledge of rocketry.  So what do these topics have in common? Read more