Archive for Launches

Southern Thunder’s Epic First Day Shutdown By Storms

Southern Thunder Storms 2014


Ten Years of Southern Thunder

For ten years the Tennessee hills have echoed the roar of Southern Thunder rockets followed by oohs and ahhs of the flyers. Here are some scenes of the past fun, if you need incentive to plan to come.

At Southern Thunder

What memories will we build in this eleventh round? Be there and share them.

Watch NASA Student Launch Live From Utah

nasa_logoNASA’s Student Launch Initiative Reaches its apogee today with all University teams arriving at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Western Utah. Several of HARA’s member and friends are there to participate or support the launch.

University of Alabama, Vanderbilt University, and Mississippi State are just a few of the teams that come to HARA launches to practice. Our friends Chuck Pierce, Eddie Jeffries, Fred Kepner (HARA’s TRA Prefect), Julie Clift, Lee Brock (PMW), and Chris Dondandville are there now setting up the range and managing logistics as the teams prepare for launch.

The launch is streamed live on NASA TV (click here). Launch Coverage starts at 8AM.


Interested in LDRS 33? Coming in July 2014


Ever heard of LDRS? How about Large and Dangerous Rocket Ships? LDRS 33 will be held in Wisconsin at Richard Bong Recreational Area (the Bong). Research launches are held July 17-18 and commercial launches are held July 19 – 20. Check out some of these video clips from the Science Channel!

“Worth the Price of Admission” HARA’s April 12th Launch Draws Big Crowd & Doesn’t Disappoint

Yesterday’s HARA launch had the energy and tempo of southern thunder and student launch initiative packed into one very exciting day. The rocket gods smiled upon us, granting clear blue skies when we expected scattered showers just days earlier. Family and friends both new and familiar and a host of SLI team descended upon the sod farm for a launch quoted as “worth the price of admission”. Read more

HARA is go for launch March 15th at Bragg Farms!

We are go for launch! HARA welcomes TARC teams from around the Tennessee valley and the public to participate in low and mid power rocket flights tomorrow (March 15th) at Bragg Farms. High power rocket flights are restricted at Bragg Farms. We will target a start time of 10am, but we may start earlier or later depending on rage setup and the weather.

The address to Bragg Farms is:1180 Grimwood Rd, Toney, AL 35773

Enter Bragg Farms from Grimwood Rd on a dirt road. The road turns left then right.  You will pass between barns with large harvesting equipment and their may be farming related activities in that area so please be mindful as you enter the area. Carry on down the dirt road into the field. Park off of the dirt road on the grass to the right.

You are welcome to bring coolers with snacks and drinks, and some chairs. There will not be a motor vendor, so be prepared.

Stay tuned to the website and facebook for updates on the launch. See you there!