It was an eventful year of rocketry with HARA. Here are a few photos to remember how it was.
The TARC Regional in March hosted by UNA attracted many teams.
Woody Bevill launches and scores the flights.
Chris Gill and Vince Huegele show rockets to a guest at the National Science Teachers Association Exhibition in Nashville.
Krueger Middle School has an impressive paint job at the Student Launch Rocket Fair and then prepped it on the field.
Art Woodling checks the Alabama A&M payload.
The girls “Nerdvana” team from Lincoln, Alabama flies successfully at the TARC Finals in Virginia. The defending world champions from Russellville prep their bird for the flyoff round.
HARA hosted the National Sport Launch in May and saw the best rockets and rocketeers fly.
It’s really cool to have club meetings at the Space and Rocket Center. In August HARA had a display as part of Biergarten night.
Visitors got to build and fly a rocket at the October Rocket City Classic.