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Saturday’s (February 8) launch is scrubbed!

Unfortunately due to high winds and low cloud cover we are postponing our HARA launch to 22 Feb. However rain is in the forecast for that week so keep your fingers crossed. If you know of any landowners with fields good for launching let us know and we will reach out to them.

Launch is GO for this Saturday (January 25)!


We are a go for launch this Saturday 25 Jan at our Jackson 5 field starting around 9:30… weather looks great just a bit chilly, dress warm. We will have a vendor onsite.

Vendor info.
New Century Rocketry. He has said if anyone pre-purchases anything from him prior to Saturday he will give 10% off your purchase.

List of Motors here 


Let us know if you plan on taking your L2 exam and if you need the NAR or Tripoli exam.

See you Saturday!
Doug Aguilar
HARA President

Launch scrub!

Saturday’s (January 11) launch is postponed to January 25 due to projected snow/ice and hazardous travel conditions.

Launch scrub!

Due to forecast high winds above the 20 mph limit, this Saturday’s (December 14) launch is cancelled.

November 9th launch status – November 8 @ 1:30 PM

Tomorrow’s launch at the Jackson 5 field in Woodville is a GO!

However, the cloud ceiling is projected to be under 2000 feet, and our waiver forbids any rockets from flying into the clouds. So please choose motors that will put the rocket’s apogee under the cloud deck.

Just to repeat – Any rocket that can be reasonably expected to penetrate the cloud ceiling will not be allowed to fly.

HARA meeting postponed until July 11

Hi everyone!

Given that our normal meeting time falls on the 4th, we are postponing the HARA meeting until next Thursday, July 11. Don’t want to conflict with the Independence Day fireworks and cookouts!

Have a great 4th of July!

The March 23 launch is scrubbed!

Fellow rocketeers

It is with a deep uhhhggg that we are once again having to cancel our launch on the 23rd.  Heavy rains into the am are forecasted which will make our field a muddy mess and flooded.  High winds 15-30mph gusts are also expected on Saturday.   If anyone knows of an alternate field and its land owner let us know.  We are always on the lookout for a secondary field.
Doug Aguilar
HARA President

Launch is scrubbed for March 9!

Unfortunately rain is predicted all day Friday and Saturday morning at our launch site and we are forced to scrub the launch. However, we have a scheduled another launch attempt for Saturday March 23. Hopefully we can get clear skies in 2 weeks.

Launch is scrubbed for February 10.

Unfortunately rain is predicted all day (Saturday, February 10) at our launch site and we are forced to scrub the launch. However, we have a scheduled another launch attempt for Saturday February 24. Hopefully we can get clear skies in 2 weeks.

George Gassaway Memorial Service

From the Birmingham Rocket Boys… George was an exceptional rocketeer and made numerous contributions to our hobby. A regular on the international team, he will be missed by those of us who knew him.

“Greetings BRB Club Members and Friends. As most of you know, back in May, we lost one of our Dear Friends and long time BRB Club Members, George Gassaway. While at home in Minnesota George succumbed to pancreatic cancer, but before he died he asked me to perform a memorial service for him here at his parents grave. After consulting with the Cemetery Officials, and BRB Officers, we have decided to hold a “Graveside Memorial Service” for George next Saturday, September 30th at 11:00 am. As an Ordained Minister and President of BRB, I will be officiating and conducting the Memorial Service which will be held at Forest Hill Cemetery, 431 North 60th Street (Birmingham, Alabama) 35212. I am asking all of our BRB Club Officers and Members to attend and am extending an invitation to George’s Friends to attend as well. In honor and tribute to George we will lay a special wreath on his parent’s grave, have a brief 40 minute Memorial Service which will include a prayer, scripture reading, testimonial and eulogy. For those of you who plan to attend I will permit you to sign your names in George’s Family Bible and to choose from a few of George’s personal rocketry collectibles to remember him by. The Forest Hill Cemetery can be seen from the Birmingham Airport Freeway Exit. Follow your GPS directions to the cemetery, enter the main entrance, go pass the office, pass through the main gate, turn right at the first road, proceed straight to the end of that road to section #34 where my White Silverado Truck will be parked at the Gassaway Family Burial Plot. Please join me and the Birmingham Rocket Boys as we pay our final Respects and Tribute to our Beloved Friend and Brother, George Gassaway. God bless you.