Archive for News


HARA was well represented at NARCON this year by three members, Art, Bill and Vince. For a nicely detailed report see

 Here are some additional pictures of the weekend which ended with a tour of the Udvar-Hazy Museum.

Carl Curling shows results in his “Painting and Finishing” talk.






Bart Merkley demonstrates laminating fiberglass onto a cardboard tube to add strength.






Some display items were brought to the motel.

The NAR National Sport Launch is here

NSL SR ad NSL is here in time and space. Time, as in soon. Space, as in physically on our field. HARA, with help from MC2 and SOAR, is hosting the sport rocketry world for a three day fun launch. It’s not specifically an education launch like TARC or SLI and in no way a competition like NARAM. It’s just the celebration of rocketry in low, medium and high power. Come out for a day or all three, but don’t miss the flying circus that is the NSL.


NARCON Dedicates Model Rocketry Exhibit at Museum of Flight


The new exhibit of model rocketry at the Museum of Flight in Seattle featuring the Estes and Stine collection was dedicated in the Space Gallery February 21, 2015, by the NAR Board of Trustees. The ‘Remove Before Flight’ ribbon was cut by NAR President Ted Cochran and Dan Hagedorn, Senior Curator and Director of Collections. Also present in the photo are Trip Barber, Bill Stine, Vern Estes and Pat Fitzpatrick. Read more

A Look Back at 2014

In other words, here are some photos I didn’t get posted on time that I’m squeezing in here at the end of the year.aprDSC_0250a

There are family shots, students working on payloads and scenes from the TARC building session. HARA had a great year and hopefully will have a happy new one. Read more

NAR dues now $25 for 25 year olds

NAR has just dropped the dues rate for rocketeers aged 21-25 to $25 a year. This is for full membership benefits (insurance, magazine, etc.) that previously were $62. The age range for this rate was 16-20, but it was expanded at the last NAR board meeting to be age 16-25. This is not a limited time discount, but a new rate structure to attract and accommodate the growing number of post TARC and college rocketeers.

The new enrollment form will look like this

SR (Age 26 and older) Join – 1 Year ($62) – Regular Magazine
SR (Age 21-25) Join – 1 Year ($25) – Regular Magazine

Tell your student friends the price is right to join NAR.

Chris’s Rocket Supplies To Be At Launch Saturday


Chris has confirmed that he is going to come up to the August 9th launch. You can write Chris at or checkout his website (click here).


Incredible time lapse of the crescent Moon setting behind the Saturn V

Setting crescent moon and the Saturn V rocket at the Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL, 29 July 2014. Taken with a Canon 6D, Canon 200 mm f/2.8 with 2x extender, 1 sec exposures every 3 sec. The rocket is 7 miles away.

Crescent Moon and Saturn V Time Lapse from Roy Spencer on Vimeo.

Credit: Dr. Roy Spencer, Huntsville, AL

NASA USLI News Coverage Report from UT

Local team Vanderbilt University is prominently featured in this report on the NASA Student Launch in Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.


And here is another video featuring MSU and other teams. This is what rocketry is can bring to education. No other program quite lights the fires of imagination and exploration.

Interstellar Looks Out Of This World

From Writer/Director Christopher Nolan, Check out this new Space Flick starting Mathew MaConaughey, and Anne Hathaway.

HARA to Host Launch This Weekend

HARA will be hosting a rocket launch in Manchester, TN this Saturday. There is a 50% chance of rain as of today, and we will continue to monitor that. Plan on attending the flyer’s briefing at 9:45AM. The range will open around 10:00AM.

There will be a $5 flyers fee for non HARA/MC2 members so take the opportunity to join our club and take full advantage of the benefits that membership offers.

We are expecting a very large M-M two stage rocket to fly, and there will be some other NASA Student Launch Initiative rocket teams joining us.

If you plan on making a NAR or TRA certification flight and/or need to take a level 2 exam, let us know to expect you.

We are excited to get our launch season underway. See you all on Saturday!