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January 12 HARA launch is cancelled…

Forecast is calling for a 100% chance of rain on Saturday, and it doesn’t look like it is going to change. Can’t fly in the rain, so the officers are scrubbing the launch.

This weather pattern stinks.

HARA Launch this Saturday, January 12 at the Jackson 5 field near Woodville, AL

A go/no go decision will be made Thursday – Please monitor this web site or the club Facebook page for launch status.

HARA Design of the Month Contest – Win an Apogee 4″ HPR Zephyr rocket!

The Apogee Zephyr is an easy-to-construct 4″ diameter rocket flying on 38mm motors. It’s perfect for certifying L1, or for fun flying! It’s the prize for winning HARA’s contest in which you construct a model rocket from an old Estes or Centuri rocket plan – description and rules are here.

HARA meeting – This Thursday (January 3) @ the ERC

Launch update – Wednesday @ 6 PM. December 8 launch is cancelled!

Saturday’s launch is cancelled due to weather – forecast has a 100% chance of rain. Long term forecast also shows wet weather on the 14th. Things have been unusually wet of late – hoping for a change!

HARA launch – Saturday, December 8 (Weather permitting)

HARA meeting – Thursday, December 6 at 7:30 PM…

Launch Update – November 13 @ 4 PM. November launch cancelled due to weather…

Given the amount of rain projected to fall over the next 2 days (which is more than last week), the officers have decided that there is no point in preparing for a launch this Saturday – the fields will simply be too muddy. We are therefore cancelling November’s launch and are hopeful that the weather gods will be kinder to us at the December 8 launch.

Launch update – November 9 @ 10 AM. Launch is NO GO.

After visual inspection of the fields/roads and discussion with the owner, it has been determined that they are way too muddy to support a launch tomorrow. Tomorrow’s launch is NO GO/scrubbed due to field conditions (the freeze warning isn’t helping matters either). The club is looking at rescheduling the launch to next Saturday, November 17. Please stay tuned to the website, the HARA list, or the club Facebook page for details.

Launch Update – Monday, November 5 @ 6 PM

While the weekend is projected to be clear and sunny, the current forecast has rain of varying amounts occurring throughout the week, up to and including Friday morning. The rain will turn the field and (more importantly) the roads muddy, and depending on the amount of rain could turn the place into a quagmire. As we have already had one car stuck in a muddy road bad enough to warrant calling for assistance, HARA will check the field conditions before noon on Friday, at which point a go/no go decision will be made for Saturday’s launch.

Please pay attention to this website or the HARA Facebook page for the launch status, which will be posted as soon as the field has been evaluated.