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Boy Scouts Rocket Academy

New Scouts that sign up in 2015 will receive their very own model rocket courtesy of the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center. All Scouts are invited to attend one of our six exciting Rocket Academies to “Blast Into Scouting”! Scouts will have the opportunity to participate in crafts and stations that will culminate in the launching of their model rocket! The best part about this event is that it is FREE for Scouts who joined in the Fall of 2015 and only $5 for any Scout that wants to attend. Come and join us for this half-day adventure and let your cadet take orbit! You may attend at any location. Event is from 8:30-12:00.

September 19th –

Camp Sequoyah (Anniston) & Camp Jackson (Scottsboro)

September 26th –

Camp Westmoreland (Florence)  & Camp Comer (Mentone)

October 3rd –

Huntsville Space and Rocket Center & Oak Mountain State Park

REGISTER by TEXT! Text blastoff to 24587

Or register online.


July Meeting & Launch Newsletter


July 9th Meeting
HARA’s attendance was a bit larger than average Thursday night as we hosted the Russellville TARC team for some congratulatory snacks and to hear about their experience at the Paris Air Show and the international Rocketry Challenge where they took 1st place. The team members shared their individual storied and answered questions from club members about how they approached TARC and ultimately managed to become the 2015 world champions. Something that stood out was that the team had over 60 launches on their TARC rockets and had very well characterized their rocket and its sensitivity to changes. That work would pay off. Now, their team members are talking about starting an SLI team. Read more

Launch Tomorrow in Manchester (July 11th)

Hello rocket fans! HARA will hold a rocket launch in Manchester TN tomorrow. The range will open at 10 AM. Our waiver will permit flights up to 10,000 ft.

The weather reports show it to be hot (90s) and winds 5 – 10 MPH. There is a 40% chance of T-storms in the early afternoon.

We are not bringing some of our usual launch equipment. Our equipment trailer is not road worthy at the moment. If you have special launch needs, please contact Daniel, the club president at

Next HARA meeting is July 9th

Happy Independence Day!


Southern Thunder 2015

Southern Thunder is the largest rocketry event in the Southeastern United States!  Low, middle, high power enthusiasts and clubs from all over the southeast region will be in attendance. This annual regional launch is co-hosted  by the Music City Missile Club (MC2) and the Huntsville Area Rocketry Association (HARA).
You do not need to be a member of MC2 or HARA to fly and of course spectators are always welcome!  So come join us for the largest launch of the year.  We promise it will be a fun experience for the entire family!

Learn More at the MC2 Website: Southern Thunder 2015

Geezer TARC is about to commence…

Geezer TARC, HARA’s version of TARC for “older” rocketeers begins with the announcement of the 2016 TARC challenge at Nationals this weekend. It is open to any interested rocketeer over 21, and provides an excellent way for TARC mentors (or potential TARC mentors) to get a feel for the difficulties that will be faced by their teams in the upcoming months.


Duane Mayer’s winning rocket for 2015 – the yellow and black “Beast”


Standard TARC rules for 2016 season will apply, except for the following:

1) Geezer TARC begins with the announcement of the 2016 rules in May and ends with the contestants’ rockets being launched at a single event (date TBD, but well before school starts in late summer).

2) Each contestant may enter up to two rockets. These rockets may not fly before the official launch date, and the score shall be determined by the first flight of each on that date. The contestant’s score shall be the better of the two flights, or the score of one flight if only one rocket is entered.

3) Any commercial altimeter may be used to determine altitude. However, reflights are not allowed if there is an altimeter malfunction; in this case, the flight will be disqualified (So choose a reliable altimeter).

4) There is only one rocket per design, and there are no test or sub-scale flights permitted for the design. Its merit will be judged solely by the rocket’s performance at the contest launch. If two rockets are entered, they must be of substantially different design – different number of motors, fins, or something major – an inch shorter or taller does not constitute a substantial difference, nor does the same design at a different scale (e.g., BT-70 versus BT-80 versions).


Bullpup 1 – a dual 24mm cluster for 2015. This was my best performer.


Der Eggcracker – a minimum diameter TARC rocket. This one was too efficient; it went WAY over altitude.

In the past, we have launched at a horse farm in Harvest. This year’s launch will probably be at “Pegasus field” in Research Park in Huntsville or at a HARA launch in Manchester. The launch will take place in late July or early August, and yes, you must be there to fly. That’s part of the contest – we want to witness what happens! We will try to pick a date that will be agreeable to all schedules.

Geezer TARC measures your ability to design an rocket to meet the TARC challenge – there are no proxies or test flights, as this would defeat the purpose. There is only one rocket for each design, and its first flight will be at the launch. If you enter two rockets, each must be based on a different design (like “Sure Thing” versus “Hail Mary”). This is a major part of the fun of the contest – we spend a lot of time designing a rocket to meet the challenge, but will it do it without modifications, on the first flight?

Good luck, and see you on the field!


Russellville HS in top TARC 100

DSC_0172sFor the first time since 2008 no TARC team from Madison County will participate in the Manassas finals. But HARA’s record for assisting teams that go continues with Russellville High School making the cut. During a launch day (shown above) of several schools’ qualification attempts, HARA witnessed two RHS flights for scores of an 8 and a 12. Their total score of 20 put them well in the top one hundred teams that scored below a 40. We congratulate them and wish them good luck on the flying field and safe travel on the road. There is only one other Alabama team besides Russellville representing the state at the finals this year. Lincoln HS from Lincoln, AL will join the flyoff in Virginia. The results should be on the TARC website by 6 pm Saturday, May 9.
For a detailed narrative of the various qualification and practice launches and a scores listing see
Bill’s blog.

10 Manliest Hobbies on Earth

Men’s Health magazine lists out the 10 manliest hobbies on Earth. Checkout #4. Click the Men’s Health logo to go the the article.




You built model rockets as a kid. It’s time to step up your game. These big model rockets weigh a minimum of 52 pounds, can be upwards of six feet in length, and they require FAA approval before launching! This is the big-league. Visit the National Association of Rocketry ( to initiate your launch sequence.

HARA makes waves at Seven Seas

20150417_182559 On Friday April17th, Vince Hugele, Duane Mayer, Daniel Cavender and Woody Bevill set up an information booth at the Weatherly Heights Elementary School for their spring STEM event.  We had originally planned to launch several A/B powered low power rockets to kick off the event, but Mother Nature had other higher priority plans that forced the launch to get scrubbed. Read more

NASA Hosts Student Rocket Fair, Helps Students Launch High-Power Rockets

20150407_202447More than 30 high school, college and university teams will launch student-built rockets during the 15th annual NASA Student Launch event April 10-11 near NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Read more