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HARA meeting this Thursday (March 5) @ 7:30 PM in the ERC

High power launch tomorrow (Saturday February 22)!

Cold Friday greetings folks!

The field has been inspected and appears to be passable for flying tomorrow! 

The downside is this is outside our normal launch rhythm and our trailer haulers are unavailable. I can throw some pads and controllers in my car, but the rails are the main items we need help with.   If you are in the Huntsville area and willing to help us get out there and fly, please contact myself or the

Thank you all,~A\

February launch cancelled


Today I must somberly announce that our Tripoli Prefect’s latest inspection has not gone well:

“Both fields are underwater, and according to the NWS the river won’t crest until Friday and it won’t be below flood stage until sometime Sunday.

Taking next week’s weather prospects into account, it looks like our February is washed out.For those looking for launch alternatives, (Student Launch Teams, etc…) Music City Missile club appears to still be holding a launch (with backup 22nd).  Check out their website and facebook page for details

Thank you for your patience and understanding folks, we’ll get back in the air when we can

~Allen O, HARA President

February 8th launch scrubbed due to bad field conditions

February 8 launch update…

Greetings rocket folks,
We are watching the weather closely.  Over 2 inches of rain are expected in the days leading up to launch which may make field conditions unfavorable.
Stay tuned for updates.
~Allen O
President, HARA

Club meeting this Thursday – 7:30 PM @ the ERC

Launch Update January 6 at 6 PM – Launch is NO GO!

HARA meeting in the ERC this Thursday (January 2) @ 7:30 PM

Merry Christmas from HARA

Time to fly some rockets!