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Launch update, Friday April 12 @ 10 AM

The forecast for tomorrow morning/afternoon continues to improve – club officers will evaluate the field conditions this afternoon and a no go/go decision will be announced soon thereafter.

Stay tuned – things look more promising.

Launch update – April 10, 7 PM

Weather forecast for Saturday continues to get worse – plus the rain anticipated on Friday could create unacceptable field conditions. A no-go/go decision will be made mid-day on Friday.

Not looking good right now, but stay tuned…

April 13 launch update – posted on April 8

We will be launching at the Butler Mill field (see for directions).

No on-site vendor, so bring your stuff!

Weather forecast iffy at this time – stay tuned for further updates.

HARA launch – Saturday, April 13

HARA meeting – this Thursday April 4 @ 7:30 PM

Launch update, Friday March 15 @ 4:30 PM – launch is NO GO

Due to recent rains, field conditions will not support a launch tomorrow (Saturday March 16).

Friday Launch Update – March 9 launch is scrubbed!

Due to forecast 100% chance of thunderstorms tomorrow, the launch is cancelled. We are looking at next Saturday, March 16, but field conditions are not expected to be favorable given the amount of rain projected to fall between Tuesday and Thursday. We will post an update Friday morning after the field has been evaluated.

HARA meeting – Thursday, March 7 at 7:30 PM in the ERC

HARA launch tomorrow (February 9) starting at 10 AM at the Jackson 5 field near Woodville, AL

HARA meeting, this Thursday February 7 @ 7:30 PM in the ERC…