Meeting and launch this week!

This Thursday is the monthly HARA meeting at the ETF on the grounds of the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. Got quite a few things to discuss, so please be there at 7:30 PM!

We have also received some good news – there will be a high power launch up at the Manchester sod farm this Saturday. The range opens at 10 AM, and the weather looks absolutely fabulous for launching rockets! So collect your rockets and motors and mosey up the road for what could very well be the final high power launch of the season (There will be no on-site vendor this Saturday, so plan accordingly)!

Did I mention that visitors are very welcome at our meetings and launches? Ya’ll come on out and join the fun!

Important! Anyone wishing to certify level 3 should contact the HARA or MC2 officers as soon as possible to ensure the appropriate people are present at the field. The HARA officers can be reached at

2018 TARC Workshop – September 16

Southern Thunder was Cool

Of course a weekend full of rockets is cool, but this year’s two day launchfest had unseasonable low temperatures keeping flyers very comfortable for June. The previous week saw the passage of tropical entity Cindy dumping rain all over Tennessee and threatening the schedule, but Saturday was clear enough to set up the range on the soggy sod.

Read more

Meeting Agenda for this Thursday, July 6

Got a few things to discuss:

  • Southern Thunder 2017 recap
  • Status of Manchester field; field search
  • Equipment status; Rail and cart purchases
  • Upcoming July events, including MOU event at USSRC
  • Upcoming TARC season (Workshop set for September 16 at ETF)
  • Membership

And a starter set giveaway!

See ya’ll at 7:30 pm!



Countdown to Southern Thunder 2017

There is an annual event that draws sport rocketeers from all over to come fly their best rockets. You are invited to come to that event and be one of those rocketeers.


June 24-25, 2017,  Manchester, TN

Meet some of the masters of the craft, shop for great deals and see amazing rockets. It’s a celebration of rocketry in low, medium and high power. Come out for a day or two, bring rockets to fly or just be there to watch, but don’t miss the flying circus that is Southern Thunder.

Manchester launch rescheduled for May 13

Moved because of weather scrub on May 6

May 6 launch scrubbed…

The May 6 launch in Manchester is scrubbed due to very poor weather prospects.

Russellville to Return to TARC Finals

Russellville, Alabama will again be at the TARC finals, this time represented by a team from Russellville First United Methodist Church, shown here receiving an award from Lee Brownell at the UNA Regional Launch. The FUMC team was the only one in north Alabama to make the cut of the top hundred and be invited to the championship in Manassas, VA. The Russellville City School Lions team was ranked 106th in the alternates with the RCS Bears team listed at 120th. Sheffield HS’s team one was 108th with Liberty Middle School of Madison ranked 115th and Buckhorn Middle school of New Market was 117th. Two teams from Lincoln, Alabama will also represent the state in the TARC national event. Alabama had more teams in the 100-120 range than any other state.  Read more