The new exhibit of model rocketry at the Museum of Flight in Seattle featuring the Estes and Stine collection was dedicated in the Space Gallery February 21, 2015, by the NAR Board of Trustees. The ‘Remove Before Flight’ ribbon was cut by NAR President Ted Cochran and Dan Hagedorn, Senior Curator and Director of Collections. Also present in the photo are Trip Barber, Bill Stine, Vern Estes and Pat Fitzpatrick. Read more
HARA Meeting Thursday – March 12th
Last weeks meeting was cancelled because of the dangerous winter weather. We will make up our regular HARA meeting this Thursday night – March 12th. Meeting will start at 7:30pm in the ERC classroom. This will be our last meeting before the NASA student launch week, so those interested in helping with range ops that week, please make an effort to attend.
And thanks to those who have already renewed their memberships for 2015. Duane (Treasurer) will be issuing new membership cards for 2015.
March 5th Meeting Cancelled
The regular HARA meeting scheduled for March 5th has been cancelled due to weather.
We will proceed with the launch this Saturday in Manchester starting at 10am.
We may reschedule the meeting for next Thursday. We will make that announcement in a couple of days.
The waiver will be for 10,000 feet and below. Exceptions can be made for special launches.
Sudden Rush with Vortigo
In this winter season not much flying gets done and not much posting either. So let’s go back to September and I’ll tell you about a dual deployment flight I made then. I want to document this so that people will know I do fly these rockets but I am not often caught doing it. During most of the major launches during the year I am working the range or with students and teachers and don’t have time to personally fly anything complicated. Toward the end of the flying season I have more time to Read more
Passing of our friend, Carl Hicks
Last night in Birmingham, we lost a great Rocketeer and a great friend, Carl Hicks. Please keep his wife Hope in your thoughts and prayers in the coming days.
Anyone who has been to down to fly with Phoenix Missile works, knows Carl and Hope. Carl has been a long-time friend and member of PMW, HARA and the rocketry community in general. The rocketry community is filled with good people, but they don’t come any better than Carl.
We will notify the club when the memorial services will be held.
A Look Back at 2014
In other words, here are some photos I didn’t get posted on time that I’m squeezing in here at the end of the year.
There are family shots, students working on payloads and scenes from the TARC building session. HARA had a great year and hopefully will have a happy new one. Read more
HARA helps launch ‘Watts for Tots’
HARA and AIAA-Greater Huntsville help United Cerebral Palsy adapt toys for children with special needs. This is the second time HARA and AIAA-Greater Huntsville have joined up, and this one was a very special cause.
On December 8th, a dozen engineers and friends gathered a UCP for three hours to modify toys with special switches.
A toy can take around 30-45 minutes to adapt. We were able to get about 40 toys adapted, which equates to about $2,000 worth of toys. Everything from remote control cars to stuffed frogs to laser blasters and water guns.
The event was organized by HARA President Daniel Cavender and UCP TASC Coordinator Brandon Welch.
Thank to everyone who attended: Laura Schertz, Alex Dominguez, Omar Mireles, Jesse & Amanda Jones, Daniel Heater, Grace Belancik, Jarvis Caffrey, & Austin Decker.
The full write up of the event is on
click ‘Watts for Tots’
NASA’s EFT-1 Launches Tomorrow
NASA’s Exploration Flight Test 1, or EFT-1, will mark the first-ever test flight of the agency’s Orion spacecraft for deep-space exploration. The unmanned test flight, scheduled for Dec. 4, 2014, will send an unmanned Orion space capsule on a 4.5-hour spaceflight to simulate the re-entry of a mission to the moon. Read more