Ten Years of Southern Thunder

For ten years the Tennessee hills have echoed the roar of Southern Thunder rockets followed by oohs and ahhs of the flyers. Here are some scenes of the past fun, if you need incentive to plan to come.

At Southern Thunder

What memories will we build in this eleventh round? Be there and share them.

NASA USLI News Coverage Report from UT

Local team Vanderbilt University is prominently featured in this report on the NASA Student Launch in Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.


And here is another video featuring MSU and other teams. This is what rocketry is can bring to education. No other program quite lights the fires of imagination and exploration.

Watch NASA Student Launch Live From Utah

nasa_logoNASA’s Student Launch Initiative Reaches its apogee today with all University teams arriving at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Western Utah. Several of HARA’s member and friends are there to participate or support the launch.

University of Alabama, Vanderbilt University, and Mississippi State are just a few of the teams that come to HARA launches to practice. Our friends Chuck Pierce, Eddie Jeffries, Fred Kepner (HARA’s TRA Prefect), Julie Clift, Lee Brock (PMW), and Chris Dondandville are there now setting up the range and managing logistics as the teams prepare for launch.

The launch is streamed live on NASA TV (click here). Launch Coverage starts at 8AM.


Interstellar Looks Out Of This World

From Writer/Director Christopher Nolan, Check out this new Space Flick starting Mathew MaConaughey, and Anne Hathaway.

Smoke Trailing TARC 2014

It was another active student rocketry school year for HARA as North Alabama had ten teams out of the total of thirteen for the state. Besides these teams there were five others from three schools in middle Tennessee that we assisted. For all the rockets fired it was the first time since 2009 that only one team from Huntsville made the top hundred nationally. That sounds like quite a bust from the six teams that went to the finals last year, except Read more

Falcons Counting Down to TARC Finals

This is a nice article written by Falcon team member Jack Aslan that captures the excitement of preparing for the Finals May 10. The Huntsville team is the only group from Alabama this year to attend.


2012 TARC finalist Victor Murphy recently put into words the impact the TARC program can have saying, “This is life changing. I think this has significantly changed my career choice. Before I wanted to design and build houses, but for sure now I want to be an aeronautic engineer.”

Interested in LDRS 33? Coming in July 2014


Ever heard of LDRS? How about Large and Dangerous Rocket Ships? LDRS 33 will be held in Wisconsin at Richard Bong Recreational Area (the Bong). Research launches are held July 17-18 and commercial launches are held July 19 – 20. Check out some of these video clips from the Science Channel!

A Good Friday at Horizon

Gifted specialist teacher Beth Boro smiles each year HARA comes out to fly rockets for her students because we’ve been doing it for a long time. “I first heard about you guys in the late eighties when I was teaching at another school. You came to show the students your rockets then and you still are now.” Bill Cooke and I were able to continue the trend Friday morning, April 18 by launching at Horizon Elementary for their Spaceweek celebration Read more

“Worth the Price of Admission” HARA’s April 12th Launch Draws Big Crowd & Doesn’t Disappoint

Yesterday’s HARA launch had the energy and tempo of southern thunder and student launch initiative packed into one very exciting day. The rocket gods smiled upon us, granting clear blue skies when we expected scattered showers just days earlier. Family and friends both new and familiar and a host of SLI team descended upon the sod farm for a launch quoted as “worth the price of admission”. Read more

HARA to Host Launch This Weekend

HARA will be hosting a rocket launch in Manchester, TN this Saturday. There is a 50% chance of rain as of today, and we will continue to monitor that. Plan on attending the flyer’s briefing at 9:45AM. The range will open around 10:00AM.

There will be a $5 flyers fee for non HARA/MC2 members so take the opportunity to join our club and take full advantage of the benefits that membership offers.

We are expecting a very large M-M two stage rocket to fly, and there will be some other NASA Student Launch Initiative rocket teams joining us.

If you plan on making a NAR or TRA certification flight and/or need to take a level 2 exam, let us know to expect you.

We are excited to get our launch season underway. See you all on Saturday!