HARA’s Open House Event last Thursday was a wild success. First of all, thank you to all those who helped put the evening on, especially Fred Kepner Woody Bevill, and Laura Schertz. I spent the days leading up to the event at NASA Wallops and relied heavily on the team back home to take care of the last minute details. After problems with the email server and being bumped from the conference hall to the classroom by the Alabama Fashion Week party, we had some doubts that many people would come. Boy were we wrong. . Read more
HARA Membersip Cards Are In!
HARA membership cards are in. If you’ve paid for your 2014 membership, cards are being made for you now. Come to our next launch on March 15th at Bragg Farms, or our meeting on April 3rd to pick up your cards.
NARCON 2014 at the Cape
By Vince Huegele
The thing people did at NARCON that was the most fun was not attending the technical sessions, listening to astronauts, visiting with old rocket friends or even touring the historic launch pads. People got the biggest grin from reading the severe winter weather reports from their hometowns while sitting in the 70 degree Florida sun. Read more
How to Use Weld Nut Plates on Fiberglass Rockets
I’m always looking for some new way to build a rocket to make assembly in the field easier and this is a cool and very easy way to replace nylon rivets. The first method I tried to leave rivets behind was to epoxy an ordinary hex nut on the inside of the fiberglass airframe. That would work okay if for not a few reasons. One, I always got epoxy on the threads and that gummed up the threads. Two, it was hard to align the hex nut if I didn’t have the screw fed through the hole to keep the hex nut in place. And three, my elbow isn’t calibrated very well sometimes so I tend to over torque the screws and the hex nut breaks free from the epoxy. I really liked the idea of having stainless steel screws with shear strengths up in the hundreds of pounds range in place of my old expendable nylon rivets that I never had enough of or in the right size when I was in the field. Read more
HARA Newsletter – Feb 2014
Homemade CNC Mills, Google Glass, & Octo-rockets
Wondering what these things have in common? Then you probably missed Thursday night’s HARA meeting. First off, attendance was fantastic with nearly 30 people showing up. Thank you to all of our guest. We hope that you felt at home. HARA puts a lot of effort into providing engaging and informative meeting presenters to help you develop your skill and knowledge of rocketry. So what do these topics have in common? Read more
HARA Open House
The Huntsville Area Rocketry Association invites the public to our Inaugural Open House on Thursday, March 6th from 7:00-8:30pm at NASA’s Educators Resource Center in front of the US Space & Rocket Center.
HARA promotes science & engineering knowledge through hands-on experience, and promotes amateur rocketry to all ages. Our Open House will feature interactive exhibits and displays, and club members will share stories of their amateur rocketry experience.
Refreshments will be provided.
Remembering the Challenger
HARA Newsletter – Jan 2014
Last year was one of the biggest in HARA’s recent history. As HARA President, I wanted to grow the club’s membership, improve attendance at regular club meetings, & promote HARA to the public. Club meeting attendance has been very high with a lot of new faces. Read more
New Website for 2014
We are excited to be kicking off 2014 with a brand new website. If you’ve used our site in the past, you should still find all the information you are expecting. However, we have made some big changes. You will find an updated layout with intuitive navigation categories. We are also adding substantial information and resources to the site to better serve our current members, attract prospective members, and provide general information for anyone interested. Expect the site to continue to evolve as we receive feedback on our changes and the 2014 launch season begins. If you have any comments on the new site, we’re happy to receive them. You can submit a comment to this post or email the webteam.
HARA Webteam
HARA Newsletter – Dec 2013
“And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas – and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.”
– Col. Frank Borman, December 24, 1968
December 5th marked the last club meeting of the year. The meeting opened with a short Tech Talk. Duane Mayer gave a detailed step-by-step on how to build homemade rocket motor igniters. Read more