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Launch update, Friday, February 11, @ 12:30 PM

Tomorrow’s launch is go! The field will be Jackson 5.

See y’all tomorrow!

Launch update – Friday, January 14 @ 1:30 PM

Tomorrow’s launch is a GO! However, the range WILL CLOSE at 2 PM in order to get out of there before the rain/weather arrives.Temps will be on the cool side – expect low cloud ceilings (well below waiver limit) and wind gusts up to 17-18 miles per hour.

See you on the field!

Launch update – Wednesday, January 12 @ 9 PM

The forecast is not very favorable for Saturday’s launch; rain is expected to move in between noon and mid-afternoon, with surface winds on the high side at 10-20 mph.

The officers will continue to watch the weather and make a go-no go decision later this week.

Saturday’s (December 11) launch is scrubbed!

Due to forecast rain and thunderstorms passing through the area late Friday night and early Saturday morning, the officers have decided to cancel Saturday’s launch.

Sunday is also out due to muddy field and lack of personnel to operate the range

Launch update – Friday, November 12 @ 4 PM

Launch is GO!

However, the land owner has advised us that the field (Jackson 5) is muddy so keep your vehicles on the gravel. Might want to wear some boots…

Also, be sure room is made on the road so grain trucks can get in and out during the day.

Thanks very much for your cooperation!

Launch update – Thursday, November 11 @ 8 PM

Saturday’s launch is GO! Flying begins at 10 AM.

Field will be Jackson 5 – see for details.

We would appreciate some folks arriving early to help set up the range. Also some help closing things down would be very beneficial.

See y’all on the field!

Launch status – Friday, October 8 @ 3 PM

Tomorrow’s launch is go!

Our prefect checked the field and the road is safe.
PLEASE BE AWARE, the field itself will be very muddy. Prepare with boots and clothes that can get dirty.
DO NOT let your vehicle leave the stone road and pad by the silos. Keep it on the hard road.
We always can use extra hands with the equipment.
We’ll be out there by 8:30 to set up, airspace opens at 10, airspace closes at 5pm or sundown and we usually start packing up stuff by 4 that we don’t need.
Allen Owens, HARA President

A Cold Day for Hot Rockets

by Vince Huegele

The temps were barely nudging the upper thirties and the sun was too shy to show its face but the field was dry and HARA was out flying on a January day. Not as many attended this launch as the one in November which had fifty more flights than today’s 38. With last month’s December launch and last year’s January launch rained out the cold air and 12 mph wind was acceptable. Masks were worn by most people to keep their noses warm. Families brought the kids which bundled up like little snowmen were always thrilled to chase descending parachutes through the corn stubs. The biggest flight of the day was a K motor sparky shown below.

Saturday launch is GO!

Butler Mill field – please help set up and take down the range

Launch update – Wednesday, January 13 @ 6 PM

The prospects for a Saturday launch are iffy – even though no significant rain is forecast, low temperatures (high around 41), winds close to the limit
(15-20 mph), and heavy clouds are projected.

The officers are continuing to look at the forecasts, and a GO/NO GO decision will be announced on Friday.