Six Alabama TARC Teams Make Finals

For several years the state has consistently delivering a half dozen teams to the TARC finals. These teams from Alabama scored in the top hundred ranking nationally and will compete for the 2022 championship against teams from 26 states on May 14 at The Plains, Virginia as they vie for $100,000 in prizes and an all-expense paid trip to London for the International Finals.

The schools and cities are:

Tharptown High School*, Russellville

Lincoln High School*, Lincoln

Russellville High Schools*, Russellville

West Morgan Middle School, Trinity

Colbert County 4-H, Tuscumbia

Muscle Shoals High School, Muscle Shoals

*Were also at the finals last year. Russellville finished in fifth place.

Other Alabama teams selected as alternates are Phil Campbell High School, Phil Campbell, and Hackleburg High School, Hackleburg.

HARA would like to salute the seven Huntsville area teams for their efforts in building and flying this year:

Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama (2 rookie teams)

Civil Air Patrol – Redstone Squadron

St. John Paul II C.H.S. (2 teams)

Bob Jones High School

James Clemens High School.

Thanks to the rest of these Alabama schools for registering and participating in TARC.

Cullman Area Technology Academy, Cullman

Thompson High School, Alabaster

Alabama School of Mathematics and Science, Mobile

Hewitt Trussville High School (4 teams), Trussville

Winfield City High School, Winfield.

Student Launch Returns

It was only a month before the annual April launch of 2020 when covid came and NASA froze the Student Launch program and any flying. The next year the program was all virtual and this year it was still mostly remote, but half the registered teams decided to come and fly in Huntsville. The weather was great at Bragg’s farm on April 23 as high school and college teams revived the 22 year old tradition of launching level two motors on a NAR range. There was no rocket fair or NASA tours or awards banquet this time but the 27 flights encouraged everyone that the program was coming back.

Launch update – Friday, April 8

Tomorrow’s launch is Go!

We will be using the Jackson 5 field – directions at

HARA’s last launch of the 2021-2022 season is Saturday April 9!

HARA will be hosting the last launch of its 2021-2022 flying season this Saturday, April 9 starting at 10 AM. Details and directions are here.

Some additional notes:

  1. There will be no on-site vendor (Chris Short will be at Argonia), so bring all necessary stuff with you or make arrangements in advance with respect to motors, etc.
    2) Field selection (Jackson 5 or Butler Mill) will be made late this week. Choice will depend on conditions after Wednesday’s rain.
    3) Groups, please coordinate certification/test flights with the HARA officers before showing up on the field.
    4) As always, help setting up/tearing down the range is greatly appreciated.

See you at the field on Saturday!

Saturday’s (March 19) HARA launch is scrubbed!

Recent rains have left the ground muddy and the Paint Rock river hitting flood stage tomorrow. There is a 100% chance of rain on Friday, which will further worsen the field conditions. Given this, the officers have decided to cancel this weekend’s launch, with hopes of launching later in March before planting starts on the fields.

Say tuned to this website, the HARA mailing list and the HARA Facebook page for updates.

HARA Goes Back To Schools

Two years to the month that the world shut down for COVID 19 HARA was back at a school doing a demo launch. Doug, Duane and Vince enjoyed a nice March day at Columbia Elementary with the return of the HARA flying circus. They launched about a dozen various models on small motors to stay within the school yard, which was easy this day with only a light wind. Duane had an Astrocam, Doug flew an egglofter and Vince had a Pyramid. The kids were already enthusiastic to be out of class early on a Friday and went into hysterics as each rocket blasted off. The teachers liked them too. Although the school launch day weather was perfect the decision to cancel the monthly HARA launch the next day due to a bad forecast turned out to be a good call as the actual weather was worse: 25°F, winds 20 mph, 2” snow. March air thou art fickle.

Launch update – Tuesday, March 8 @ noon

Saturday’s (March 12) launch is scrubbed!

The forecasts are in agreement that it will be quite cold (high around 37) with sustained winds between 10-20 mph. This gives a feels like temperature of 28 degrees plus a good probability of rockets drifting out of the field. In light of these conditions, the officers have decided to postpose Saturday’s launch, with an eye to flying on the next Saturday (March 19).

Please monitor this website, the HARA list or the club Facebook page for updates.

Launch update, Friday, February 11, @ 12:30 PM

Tomorrow’s launch is go! The field will be Jackson 5.

See y’all tomorrow!

Launch update – Friday, January 14 @ 1:30 PM

Tomorrow’s launch is a GO! However, the range WILL CLOSE at 2 PM in order to get out of there before the rain/weather arrives.Temps will be on the cool side – expect low cloud ceilings (well below waiver limit) and wind gusts up to 17-18 miles per hour.

See you on the field!

Launch update – Wednesday, January 12 @ 9 PM

The forecast is not very favorable for Saturday’s launch; rain is expected to move in between noon and mid-afternoon, with surface winds on the high side at 10-20 mph.

The officers will continue to watch the weather and make a go-no go decision later this week.