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2018 TARC Workshop – September 16

Meeting Agenda for this Thursday, July 6

Got a few things to discuss:

  • Southern Thunder 2017 recap
  • Status of Manchester field; field search
  • Equipment status; Rail and cart purchases
  • Upcoming July events, including MOU event at USSRC
  • Upcoming TARC season (Workshop set for September 16 at ETF)
  • Membership

And a starter set giveaway!

See ya’ll at 7:30 pm!



Manchester launch rescheduled for May 13

Moved because of weather scrub on May 6

May 6 launch scrubbed…

The May 6 launch in Manchester is scrubbed due to very poor weather prospects.

HARA Meeting Tonight! 7:30PM

Looking For New Educational Resources

Part of HARA’s mission is to educate people in STEM fields through rocketry. We have a section of the website dedicated to getting people in touch with the tools to bring rocketry home and in to classrooms.

If you have ideas that you would like to see featured in our section, please submit them to us. Thanks!

HARA Newsletter 2/2/2017

Meeting Notes
We had a few new faces around the HARA meeting hall. There were over twenty people in all. So, thank you to all you new folk for coming, and we hope you come back. Both Vince and Bill gave great Tech Talks. Vince share his story behind the flight of his scale NASA Ares I rocket, commissioned by NASA for gaining public interest in the program through rocketry. Bill delivered an energizing talk about to upcoming ‘Great American Solar Eclipse’ to occur on August 21, 2017. And we are within driving distance of it. Bill regaled us with tales of the 1979 eclipse he witnessed, and gave tips to would-be watcher. Thank you gentlemen for your presentations. Vince’s is available on the HARA website at the link above. Bill’s presentation will be available soon.

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A Look Back at 2016

It was an eventful year of rocketry with HARA. Here are a few photos to remember how it was.zuna16dsc_0872

The TARC Regional in March hosted by UNA attracted many teams.

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Halloween Rockets

dsc_0957cTis the season to be scary, so what does your imagination bring up that will fly? Take a simple model, paint it with seasonal colors, add a few spooky stickers and you’re set. Pass through the Halloween decorations aisle at any store and you will see (with your rocketeer’s eyes) possible structural elements to add to an airframe. It’s a trick to get the weight distribution and surface area balanced for stable flight, but what a treat when it comes together.dsc_0953cdsc_0955cdsc_0967c100_0036c

HARA night at Biergarten!

new-31Come to the U.S. Space & Rocket Center Saturn V Hall in the Davidson Center for Space Exploration on August 4th from 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m for authentic German cuisine.

Admission is free, and food and beverages are available for purchase.

The U.S. Space & Rocket Center is featuring HARA as a nonprofit organization. A portion of food sales that evening will be donated HARA, so everyone come with a friend or your family and spend some money for dinner to build up the treasury. Bratwurst, fried potatoes, pretzels and mustard, and black forest cake are just a few of the offerings, so come on and eat. We’ll get a chance to introduce visitors to HARA.

The monthly HARA meeting will also be held this evening. The August launch will be Saturday the 6th at Manchester.