A Cold Day for Hot Rockets

by Vince Huegele

The temps were barely nudging the upper thirties and the sun was too shy to show its face but the field was dry and HARA was out flying on a January day. Not as many attended this launch as the one in November which had fifty more flights than today’s 38. With last month’s December launch and last year’s January launch rained out the cold air and 12 mph wind was acceptable. Masks were worn by most people to keep their noses warm. Families brought the kids which bundled up like little snowmen were always thrilled to chase descending parachutes through the corn stubs. The biggest flight of the day was a K motor sparky shown below.

Saturday launch is GO!

Butler Mill field – please help set up and take down the range

Launch update – Wednesday, January 13 @ 6 PM

The prospects for a Saturday launch are iffy – even though no significant rain is forecast, low temperatures (high around 41), winds close to the limit
(15-20 mph), and heavy clouds are projected.

The officers are continuing to look at the forecasts, and a GO/NO GO decision will be announced on Friday.

Launch update – Thursday @ 9 PM

Given the large amount of rain falling in the area, the officers have decided to postpone Saturday’s launch, as it is expected that the fields will be too muddy. The new launch date is next Saturday, January 16 – at this time, the weather forecast is looking favorable.


To repeat, this Saturday’s launch is postponed to Saturday, January 16. Updates will be posted as needed.

Saturday launch update, Wednesday @ 12:30 PM

The current forecast is for clear and cool weather on Saturday, but the Thursday/Friday rains may result in fields that are too muddy to support a launch. A check of field conditions will occur Friday afternoon, after which a GO/NO GO decision will be made

Virtual HARA meeting – this Thursday, January 7, @ 7:30 PM

It’s a new year (hopefully it will be better than last)! The virus still runs amok, so we will once again have a virtual meeting this Thursday night. January meetings are always important because we draft people… er, solicit nominations for… officer positions. We are not above nominating people who are absent, so be sure you are there! Anyway, here’s the agenda:

January launch update
Virtual NARCON details
January giveaway
Officer reports, including possibly hosting NARCON 2022
Officer nominations
Show and tell
HARA wireless controller status

Connection information is available by contacting officers@hararocketry.org

See you there!

Virtual HARA meeting this Thursday, December 3, @ 7:30 PM

It’s time for a little holiday cheer with fellow rocketeers! Please join us on Zoom this Thursday at 7:30 PM for the December HARA meeting to get the lowdown on the local rocketry scene. Items on the agenda include:

  • December high power launch status
  • Officer reports
  • Monthly give away (2 this month)
  • Status of the HARA wireless controller
  • Show and Tell
Please contact officers@hararocketry.org for connection info.
See y’all Thursday night!

Launching in a November Sky

The autumn colors of red, orange and yellow decorated the trees in the mountains of north Alabama but also the flames of the rockets flying at the monthly HARA launch. After being rained out in October and waiting since March for the field to be cleared the club was out in full force to launch into a mild calm November sky. The pads were particularly busy with HP certification flights.  The crowd was present when the waiver opened at 10 am and was solid until sunset.

For a more detailed discussion of the day go to Bill’s blog at http://billsrockets.blogspot.com/2020/11/a-perfect-day-for-flying.html A multitude of rocket pictures are on the HARA facebook page https://www.facebook.com/HARA-Rocketry-182522918458853/



Virtual HARA meeting – this Thursday, November 5, at 7:30 PM

Hi everyone!
We will be having our monthly HARA meeting through Zoom again this month. Items on the agenda are:
  • November launch status and updates
  • Thanksgiving rocket judging (Jolly Logic Chute Release and Flightsketch altimeter are the prizes)
  • Officer reports
  • Monthly giveaway
  • Show and tell
Please contact officers@hararocketry.org for the meeting link.
See you Thursday!

October 10 launch will be at the Butler Mill field in Woodville

Directions here: http://hararocketry.org/hara/high-power-launches/